Friday, October 26, 2007

New Beginning

Well, it's been a while since I have posted. Not much going on so not much to say. Michael and I just celebrated our third anniversary. He got me the sweetest card and a giftcard to Barnes and Noble, my favorite book store. He did forget it was October, not September, though and gave me my presents early. It was funny and I thought it made it even more special. He also surprised me with my Christmas present. I know its really early, but he wanted to give it to me early since I really needed it. It's a new hot pink Browning jacket. Its the one I have wanted since last year but couldn't find. I'm ready for the cold weather now. I'm excited about Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas coming up. I love to decorate and since this is the first year I can have a big tree, I can't wait until the day after Thanksgiving to set it up.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Birthday party. In pictures.

Christy and I on the way. We were running late as usual!

Haley and Christy! Christy is Chinese! Open your eyes!

Suck it in!

In the bathroom at Chili's. Who can resist a good Myspace pic?

Julie's face is priceless! Everyone was looking a little goofy. Must have been those nasty blue drinks everyone was passing around.

Haley's Mom and Dad.

Princess Haley and Queen Sharon.

A princess (cup)cake for a 21st birthday? Who does that?


After. Need I say more?

Take two on this one.

Aww. How cute. Look at her dad in the background. He was disappointed, he wanted to be in the picture with Foster.

Monday, June 18, 2007

This Weekend

Friday, Haley and I took Liv and Tyler to the Paragould Water Park. I left work at 12:30 and we took them to get Tropical Snows. When we got to the park, we tried to teach Tyler to doggy paddle, but that didn't go over so well. We spent about an hour and a half there and nothing really happened until we decided to leave. Tyler ran away from me and I ended up having to spank him. Then he saw his finger was bleeding. "Hashley! Hashley! My finger is bweeding!" So I went to find him a band aid for his 'horrible' cut and we left. As we were walking out, this red SUV was pulling out. I figured they were going to back up to the left of their vehicle towards us, so I made Tyler and Liv walk across to the empty parking spaces behind the SUV. He decides to pull straight back towards us. I kept walking until I heard him yelling at me. The guy starts screaming and cussing at us, asking us why the blank blank we didn't move. I made a remark about how rednecks needed to learn to drive and then threatened him about cussing around my little 3 year old brother. The entire way back home Tyler held his finger up, even when he was sleeping. It was so cute! Saturday, Haley and I went shopping for new jeans then met Michael up at the shop. After I complained about being hungry long enough, we went to El Acapulco. Michael had the waitress convinced that I was his wife and Haley was his girlfriend. One of the guys had a wreck on his bike and broke his arm. The car pulled out in front of him and it was a hit and run. We drove around in Haley's car. Some cops were riding around on bicycles and were giving us a hard time. Its stupid. Sunday was Father's Day, and I called Dad around 12:15 so I could go see him. He was eating with Tyler and Jen at Ruby Tuesdays, so Zach and I had to wait until he went home before we could see him. Zach and I had got pictures made for everyone and that was his Father's Day present. Tyler kept saying it was "Man's Day" and he deserved a present because he was a man too!

Friday, June 15, 2007


We're going swimming today with Ty and Liv!

You know what annoys me:

Fake people
Girls who talk behind your back
Drama starters
People who try to pull you into their drama when you have nothing to do with it, nor do you want to.
Intolerant liberals (yes they exist, try saying you're conservative around them. wow!)
Loud mouths

Know what I love:
Friends who have been around for years
High school memories
Sonic drinks
Any mexican food
Sleeping late on Saturdays
Having the ability to keep my mouth shut (unlike some)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Every Mile a Memory

Last night Christy posted some pictures of us from high school. I decided to look through my senior scrapbook and pull some out too. Wow! All the old memories came flooding back. The time Christy stole my car. Haley and I sneaking out of her house after curfew. Partying at TomKat's house. Some really crazy times. My little blue car, which I miss dearly. Riding with Haley as she learned to drive a standard. Hitting the curb and smashing my head against the window. "Haley! There's a freaking curb there!" I also remember piling up in Brandon Primm's old Bronco and getting gum at the DoubleBee gas station on his mom's debt card. A very bittersweet memory there. Working at Heritage. Cruising around to Lil Jon. "Ye-ah!" If I think about it, I can put a memory with just about any place in town. Almost getting in a wreck with Haley at the BP parking lot. Cruising Hasting's in Haley's car with the windows down, the heat cranked up, blankets and gloves on, and the Walkman hooked up to the CD player. Going to Henderson State for preview day and racing some guy in a Camaro until he got pulled over by a cop. Tiffany and I going to Blazer Ball my senior year with one of my guy friends. Getting lost in Bay. Who does that? I know we have only been out of school three years, but sometimes it seems like a lifetime ago.

Monday, June 11, 2007

'Inc' stands for 'gonna'

This weekend was so much fun. Well, except for the fact that I can hardly move. I did something to my right leg and now I hop around like a pirate. Argh matey! Haley hurt her back too. So now we look like two little old ladies walking around. We spent the whole day babysitting Tyler Saturday. We took a bag of water balloons over and spent the afternoon throwing them at Haley's car. Tyler had a slip & slide and we took turns sliding across the yard on it. I'm pretty sure that's how I hurt my leg. Of course everyone in town drove by as we were doing it. We had a blast though! We spent the weekend cruising to NSYNC, almost being eaten alive by flies & mosquitoes, and eating tons of junk food. I completely blew my diet, but McDonald's hamburgers are completely worth it! There was also the creepy guy in a Dodge truck that stared at us the whole time we were in Kum & Go. I get creeped out pretty easily about that kind of thing. We were going to ride on Sunday, but it freaking poured while we were at the mall. It lasted about ten minutes, but it was long enough for the blacktop to get wet and make the road slick. :( Michael and Big Brian got caught in the rain. Again. That was like the third time in as many weeks. I always thought it was funny until the night we went to El Acapulco and it opened up on us while we were eating. I was completely soaked and freezing by the time we made it back to the shop. I'm just glad its summer. So far its turning out to be one of the best yet!

Friday, June 8, 2007

High School called... they want their drama back.

I'm glad its Friday. I'm ready to relax for the next two days and pretty much do nothing. I have a feeling that there might be some drama though. I hope not, we're a little too old for that. Haley and I are going to babysit Tyler tomorrow. I bought a big bag water balloons for us to play with. Tyler has asked all week if today is the day I "come play with" him. I hope the weather gets better than it is right now. I managed to find the biggest water puddle in the parking lot at work and splash my jeans up to my knees. I shouldn't have got out of bed this morning. Last night, we rode for exactly 10 minutes and were pelleted with a million and half bugs. I made the mistake of opening my visor and soon had gnats in both eyes, in my mouth, and one even ended up in my ear. The term "chickenhead" was reintroduced. I havent heard anyone called that since I was a sophomore in high school. Now I have that ridiculous song stuck in my head. Leann and I agree that guys have bad taste when it comes to hitting on girls in gas station parking lots. The lights must affect a guy's eyes because Leann and I definitely didnt think any of the girls they guys were staring at were cute. They disagreed, but "guys seem to get dumber as they get older."

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Top ten reasons I should never go to Walmart again

1. I always buy twice as much stuff as I mean too. Take last night for example: I went in to buy 8 items. Of course Walmart, in a clever marketing ploy, makes it to where those 8 items are on exact opposite sides of the store from each other so you have to walk by every display in the store. "Where is the sunscreen... here it it. Ooooh, look at that pretty new eyeshadow.
Crap, they don't have the color I want. Maybe I can find it. Ummm. Wait a
minute. I need eyeliner too." See the problem here?

2. I always get mad at the idiot who leaves the cart on the outside of the corral. Seriously people, its an extra step. Put the cart where it goes. I'm going to push the cart into the next person's car who I see do this. Beware if that includes you.

3. I cant stand people who back up the entire line of cars waiting for that parking spot that is twelve feet closer than the one that is already empty. HALEY MAY THIS MEANS YOU TOO!!

4. Don't follow me to my car just to get my parking spot. I will sit in the car until I finish my soda, adjust my mirrors, fix my makeup, call my mom, and maybe even pick my nose. Just to piss you off. :)

5. Take a shower and put on deodorant. Just because you are not Paris Hilton who gets followed everywhere does not mean you can go somewhere in public without a bra on. Tame those puppies! I don't like seeing your boobs hanging to your knees, what your hair looks like after a rough night, or what you look like without your false teeth. Please. Its for the children.

6. If the lady at the deli gives you 1.06 pounds of meat instead of the 1 pound you asked for, take it. Don't make her take the extra out. This ticks me off for two reasons. One you are wasting food. There are starving kids in Africa. Two, who is that good at measuring weight with their hand? Its not going to be exact so don't make me stand in line until it is.

7. I always see someone in there that I know. Usually its someone that I wouldn't mind it if they dropped off the face of the Earth. If I see you and walk across the entire store to get away from you, don't follow me. I don't want to talk to you.

8. I always see someone I know when I want to buy something embarrassing. That Ashlee Simpson CD I wanted? Yep, ran into someone I knew. Thank goodness for little sisters. I buy a birthday card to go along with it.

9. Don't share your false teeth with your sister so you both can eat a sandwich while standing in front of the store. End of story.

10. What idiot decided the milk should be at the back? It's stupid. When you go grocery shopping you start at the back and move to the front. The milk and cold dairy products aren't cold when you finally get to the front. I'm afraid I'm going to get a bad case of food poisoning from my yogurt someday.